Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Power of The Integrated Voice - letter from Bruce Morris!

I'm always amazed and gratified at the power of 'The Integrated Voice' method that I've developed. It's miraculous and very revolutionary. It's based in Bel Canto, a method I learned from Giusseppe Balestrieri in Los Angeles. (See 'My Story' in the articles section of my website.) Once I started taking lessons from Giusseppe, I never had a single voice problem again, so I know first hand what a godsend a good vocal teacher can be. I'm really so thrilled when I can help someone 'find their voice' and give them back the voice they seemingly had lost.

The following letter is from Bruce Morris, who took one of my classes at Puget Sound Guitar Workshop last summer. He recently wrote me this letter, and I'd like to share it with you in hopes that you all can find a great teacher with a great vocal method who can help you heal your voice and give you new, correct skills for a healthy, youthful voice. It's never too late! My Uncle is 81, and he just started singing and taking voice lessons! He loves it! By the way, my Integrated Voice Vocal Exercise CD will be available online very soon! Here's Bruce's letter. Thank you Bruce!

Beth -

Bruce Morris here. I took your class at PSGW last summer. I seem to have lost the CD of vocal exercises I got from you last summer. If you sell it on your web site, I don't see it there. Is there a way I can get another one?

I should let you know that you are the best vocal coach I have worked with in 25 years. If you lived in Portland, I'd be studying with you on a regular basis. Using your methods, I am in good voice all the time now. Being a lay cantor, many people have noticed and commented favorably, including the rabbi where I chant regularly.

During rehearsals for the Jewish High Holy Days, I used your techniques as warm-ups with my congregational choir. Only a handful would call themselves musicians, even fewer are vocalists. Yet all of them found voices they didn't know they had. We never sounded so good. Again, the congregation commented on how good we sounded this year. And the choir had such a good time, and was so energized, that a regular group has now formed to sing all year long, not just at the Holy Days.

I also really appreciated how you coached me on the song I did at the student concert. Its amazing how disconnected I had become from the words I was singing. Again, I used your coaching to great advantage just last night, where I was Haman (the bad guy) in our Purimshpiel.

I haven't had this much fun with my voice in years. At 50, I was beginning to have trouble controlling my vibrato and was thinking of hanging it up vocally before I started to embarrass myself (and everyone around me). Now I think my voice sounds like it did 15 years ago, maybe even better. I am ever so grateful.

Oh yeah - don't forget. How can I get another exercise CD?
