Monday, March 01, 2010

Raise Your Voices Together!

Tonight in the Joyful Singing class I'm teaching in Salt Lake City we had tons of fun!  We started out doing our breathing exercises, vocalizing, then instead of sitting apart we all 'clumped up together to sing.

It's amazing how the energy in the room changed!  All of a sudden we were a happy, supported group, not a bunch of separate entities singing alone.  On one song I had the group split in two and sing facing each other.  It was great practice for making eye contact (a fear for many performers) and further solidified the warm, fuzzy feeling in the room!


Exercise those Vocal Cords!

Your vocal cords are folds of muscular tissue that need to be exercised throughout your life.  Doing simple singing exercises to warm up the voice in the morning is a perfect way to start the day.  Vocal exercises strengthen the voice; get rid of phlegm, and conscious breathing oxygenates the blood!