Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Nice Article In AZ Central - Singing For Health

Another nice article on my Singing For Health class in Arizona. What a difference that class is making for the Seniors!

More Senior Singing Superstars!

It's so fantastic seeing all the smiling faces in my Singing For Health class! I always have 'superstars' who come up front and help me with leading the songs, and they love it! Singing makes you happy; it makes you laugh; it brings people together, especially when some seniors tend to get isolated and socially reserved. Here are two superstars, Don and Jean!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Singing for Health Superstars!

Here are two Senior Singers, John and Shirley from my Singing for Health Class. They are so exuberant - just love them!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What To Do If You Think You Have Nodes

If you think you may have vocal nodules, the first thing to do is go to an ENT to really find out what's going on. Secondly, give your voice a chance to heal with VOCAL REST. That means no talking, either! Third, get a good vocal instructor who teaches Bel Canto singing, and learn to sing and speak correctly so that you won't continue to damage your voice. Treat your voice well and you'll be rewarded with a beautiful sound for life!

Monday, April 01, 2013

Who Wants A Youthful Voice for Life?

The secret to keeping a vital singing and speaking voice for life is simply.....exercising you voice daily, just like you would any other part of the body! Use it or lose it! Please comment at my new Facebook page All About Voice!