Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Viva La Voice Podcast #1!!

Wow, what a journey! I'm going to jump in (finally) and upload my first podcast. This is kind of experimental, as I have one podcast in two formats. So the links will be for an audio mp3 file, AND an enhanced podcast that has photos. Hopefully, they'll both work!

The next challenge is setting up the 'link' button. Understand that this is a steep learning curve for me! Most of you out there who even listen to podcasts are probably rolling your eyes at my baby steps here at Viva La Voice. You know, it's okay to venture into unknown territory, and that's what I'm doing.

This podcast isn't perfect! In fact, I've noticed that the actual content is very short (under 4 minutes - it's a test remember!), but the podcast length is something over 8 minutes! So whether the images make it longer (I don't think so), or I just failed to edit the podcast remains to be seen. Rather than go back and spend another few DAYS editing, I'm choosing to upload the thing and get it out there!

I'd appreciate feedback, i.e. can you see the images on PC and Mac in the enhanced version, or are enhanced podcasts simply a Mac feature? I believe the Mp3 file is audio only, it is in my test, but if someone finds something different, let me know!
Are the files too big? Do they take too long to download?


Enhanced version:

Mp3 Podcast: