Tuesday, December 29, 2009

You Don't Have To Be A Perfect Singer!

I've been teaching voice for 20+ years, and one thing I'm adamant about with my students is letting them know that it's okay NOT to be perfect!  What is most important is the authentic emotion you are feeling when telling your 'story', not a technically perfect performance.

Until your singing technique becomes natural and second nature, you are usually focusing totally on technique, and not on the emotions you should be feeling while singing.  We all strive for a perfect voice, but when we're focused on our breathing, our placement, tension in the body etc., it doesn't leave any space for what's really important....being totally tuned in to the story we're telling!

I would much rather hear a good story teller who is authentic in performance than a technically perfect singer who leaves me cold.  You can't obsess about technique once you are in front of an audience.  You've done your prep; put all of your energy into WHAT you're singing, not HOW you're singing it.

Yes, that's hard to do, but you'll find that your performance, as well as your technique will greatly improve when you let go of trying so hard to be perfect, and just 'be'.   Ultimately, folks want to be moved emotionally by your music, not dazzled by technique that has no real feeling underneath.