Thursday, July 26, 2012

Preemie's Weight Gain Supported by Music

Music Helps Preemies to Gain Weight
Watch any baby when you begin to sing a lovely lullaby, and you will note an instant relaxation and calm take over.  Babies are soothed by music, and especially their own mother's voice.  Here's more about a study done that showed the positive effect of music in the neonatal ICU. (This from the Los Angeles Times).
Preemies' weight gain: An Israeli study, published December in the journal Pediatrics, found that playing Mozart quietly in neonatal intensive care units supported the weight gain of premature infants by slowing their rate of energy expenditure. Babies exposed over two days to 30 minutes of music (drawn from, yes, an Israeli "Mozart for Baby" CD) slowed their metabolisms, helping to accelerate their growth.
If you would like to soothe your baby, please download my beautiful, award-winning lullabies from Land of Sleepytime….Lullabies for the Heart and Soul.