Saturday, July 07, 2012

Don't Lose Sales Because of A Nasal Voice!

Speakers and Presenters do one important thing.....they speak.  It's important that when you communicate with people you are aware that the sound of your voice is a crucial component in how your 'message' will be received by the listener.

If you've been told that you have a 'nasal' voice, here's a very easy way to get rid of that annoying sound!  This is one of the '7 Easy Steps' in my book From Shower To Stage....7 Easy Steps for Singing Like A Pro! and applies to anyone who uses their voice for speaking or singing.



Susan Joy Schleef said...

Very interesting explanation of how tension in the tongue create an unpleasant nasal sound in the speaking voice, as well as in singing. Thanks for sharing this good information!

Unknown said...

Thanks Susan - it is a complex challenge - opening the throat - but with a simple solution! Cheers, Beth Lawrence, Viva La Voice