This is an exerpt from my March Viva La Voicegram. If you'd like to receive my monthly newsletter that features the complete article: "Sound Healing - Not Just for Britney Spears!', please sign up at:
Using sound as a tool for healing is as ancient as time itself. Shamans and Priests have used voice, rattles, drums and bells to stir the soul and free the body of physical pain and emotional suffering. Toning, using the voice as a healing tool, is incredibly powerful, and is used by everyone from sound healers to music therapists for grief therapy, energy balancing and emotional recovery. If the thought of toning makes you uncomfortable, let me tell you that you use toning every day without thinking about it. Imagine, you’ve just hit your thumb with a hammer. You unconsciously scream in agony. Can you imagine how unbearable the pain would be if you couldn’t release that pain with your voice? You didn’t even think about it, you just naturally expressed your feeling with the sound of the pain! Toning is simply a means of creating a healing, expressive vibration with your own voice.
There is much emerging data to confirm what sages have known for centuries, that sound, voice and music have the potential to heal the world. More and more people are seeking alternatives to the high cost, invasive, and often-ineffective nature of western medicine. If you think sound healing is only for Pop Divas and movie stars, think again. The power of sound is available to everyone, and worthy of continued investigation by the scientific community, as well as those seeking personal harmony and health.
If you would like to experience the power of sound healing first hand, I invite you to join me for a Chakra Tune Up workshop presented by Viva La Voice and Sacred Balance, March 25, 2006, in Salt Lake City. We’ll work with elements of sound, color and movement to clear and balance your energy system.
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Voicegram recipients, get a $30 discount by registering before March 20!