Usually we think of damaging the voice by loud yelling, speaking, or singing incorrectly. But did you know that laughing can hurt your voice??
In over 20 years of singing I've never lost my voice, even though I sang for hours on end, sometimes 5 or 6 nights a week. I teach people how to get over bad habits and use their voices correctly to keep the voice healthy and strong.
Today while recording I got into a laughing spree with my co-writer Norman Thalheimer. We often get into these laughing jags while we're working together. I laughed so hard that my stomach was hurting, I started coughing, and when we finally stopped laughing, my voice was rouch and squeaky! I have never hurt my voice before, and this was weird and scary. I sang a bit more, but evidently I had irritated my vocal cords because I couldn't really control my voice.
I stopped singing and realized that I had to rest my voice. Tonight and tomorrow I'm not going to talk at all so that my vocal cords can recover.
This is very important for everybody: NO LOUD LAUGHING! Be very careful with your voice no matter what you do. Control coughing; no yelling. Your voice is your instrument and you've got to honor it. I have no idea why my voice was affected today because I've never, ever been hoarse before, but this reminded me that I need to stay aware of how I'm using my voice no matter what I do. Although I've always had a wonderfully healthy singing voice, I've got to watch laughing too loudly! So be aware and guard that voice!