This from Bryant Stamford, professor and chairman of the department of kinesiology and integrative physiology at Hanover College:
"Research tells us, there was a study of senior singers, average age 80 years, in which they were tracked over a prolonged period and their data were compared with folks the same age in the general population. The researchers found that the elderly singers experienced less depression, took far fewer than the typical four prescription medications and a like number of over-the-counter meds, and they were more socially active.
Does this mean the older singers will live longer? Hard to say, but it’s not a far reach to suggest the answer is yes.
We know, for example, that the mind-body connection is very important, and that health and longevity of the body can be influenced by mental state (depression, etc.). Medications and their side effects greatly impact the quality of life, and if there is poor quality of life, the zest for living goes out the window. And those with a strong social network are likely to be happier, better adjusted in old age, and more accepting of change, and therefore likely to live longer and healthier lives."
So I say, again - get out there and sing, no matter what your age! You will feel better, and just possibly live a longer, healthier life! Want help with your singing? My new book From Shower To Stage...7 Easy Steps for Singing Like A Pro! can help!