Unless you've been here in Mt. Vernon, Washington to experience the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival, it's hard to describe. There are fields that seem to stretch forever, filled with blooming tulips of every hue. They fill the horizon, where all around are snowcapped peaks and green valleys!
These are photos from today, April 28th, the last weekend of the festival, which begins April 1st each year. There was no lack of late bloomers in every variety. As I looked at each flower, I couldn't believe the miracle of nature; every tulip was different, with swatches of color variation unique to each blossom. It should remind us all that we, too, are unique. Each one of us has our own variation in looks, personality and innate talents. So just as we celebrate the beautiful tulip, we should celebrate the differences in each other! What a wonderful world that offers so much diversity.
In my Diva Training weekends and workshops, we do lots of exercises and processes that lead us to this same conclusion. What we may see as a 'fault' or outside what our culture determines is the 'norm', is really a lovely variation that makes us unique in the world. How special we all are! So I say 'let's celebrate the variations!'