Thursday, November 08, 2007

A Baby Baptism Gift

I got this question from Dan on my site, where you can ask anything you want about voice/music etc. And thought it might be of interest to those of you who are going to Baptisms or baby showers:

Thanks for your question: What are/is a typical type gift to a child being christened/baptized?
Since this question doesn’t pertain to voice, per se, I can’t give you a perfect answer. But, I might suggest that the gift of music would always be appropriate as a gift for both parent AND child. Here's my answer:

You might consider my lullabye CD “The Land of Sleepytime” which won the National Parenting Publications Gold Award. It’s a beautiful CD, with great reviews. I’ve heard from lots of parents who say they’ve played it for the child from birth and the child won’t go to sleep without it!

You can order it from my website:

Or from CD Baby: – just input my name.

A lullabye CD will help the baby sleep, and help the parents GET some sleep, so it’s always welcome.
Hope that helps!
Beth Lawrence