Monday, October 23, 2006

A Life On Fire!

"Nothing sparkles like a life on fire. And there is no greater luster or luxury than feeling at peace in your soul." Tama Kieves

Thank you, Tama ("This Time I Dance!", a great book) for this great quote. It seems that there's a cross-generational 'mid life crisis' that is causing people to become increasingly uncomfortable with their lives these days. Time is fleeting; every day seems to fly faster, and many of us are questioning, as a friend of mine asked 'are we losing time, or losing ourselves?'

We've been led down a material path that brainwashes us into thinking we need more, newer, and bigger 'things'. Suddenly, though, all those material pursuits are leaving us with less time and more frustration. I've often wondered how it would feel to be free of all my 'stuff'; to fly freely anywhere, anytime, for any reason without the terrible burden of carrying around all my memorabilia, inherited china and purchased furniture. Ahhhhh, the freedom of it all!

I think Life is calling to us all to remember 'you can't take it with you, and it's slowing you down!' Attachments of any kind keep us stuck, and more and more people are feeling incredibly rut-bound. Do you feel like the movie 'Groundhog Day'? That you get up and repeat the same boring routine, ending the day wondering what you did that enriched yourself or others? Remember that the same actions produce the same results!

This past weekend I cleared out my closet. It feels fantastic. I've been carrying around clothes that I bought literally 15 years ago! Wow, talk about baggage. I can't wait to get rid of more clutter; it's so freeing!

If you feel like you're losing time; that you're not leading the fulfilled life you dream of; that you're off-purpose, then it's time for a total life makeover! Change your living space, change your diet, change your habitual thought patterns, and rediscover those dusty old dreams laying at the bottom of your closet (underneath those brand new shoes you've never worn - but they were on sale)!

If time IS speeding up, then all the more reason to spend your time doing something you love. All the money and things in the world can't compare to a life chock full of memorable experiences. As Tama Kieves says "Nothing sparkles like a life on fire." Amen, sister!