Did you know that one-quarter of the U.S. workforce considers their voices to be the primary tool of their trade, and 28 million Americans experience daily voice problems, according to Ingo R. Titze, executive director of the National Center for Voice and Speech in Denver, Colorado?
I can't stress enough that you must treat your voice with the same, or more, respect and importance than your car, cel phone, computer or high end professional wardrobe! Most of us would be lost without our computers. What would happen if you lost your voice? What if you so abused your voice that you had to stop talking for a month or more; in other words, had to have complete vocal rest? Does it make you stop and think?
More than 3 million teachers who use their voices as part of their trade are considered at higher risk for chronic vocal problems than the general population. Lawyers, broadcast journalists, actors, singers, telemarketers, clergy and even parents who constantly use and sometimes misuse their voices are at risk for painful problems that can damage the vocal cords. If left untreated, they could become serious conditions requiring surgery. Why not avoid vocal problems before they start by learning to speak correctly? A few minutes of vocal warm up in the morning can help you avoid vocal strain, and will strengthen the voice.
Professional voice training is an essential part of the business professional's tool kit. Not only will speaking correctly preserve and strengthen your voice, but you'll be more successful when your voice reflects the confident, commanding professional that you are.
If you're interested in my new CD, The Integrated Voice, Vocal Mastery Exercises, sign up for my Voicegram at vivalavoice.com and I'll send you info on the upcoming release date, along with an article on vocal health.