My dear friend, Cass Ho, has a new radio show for women, and invited me to be her first guest this morning on AM 1340. She's a great interviewer; asks interesting questions, and uses really neat words like 'plethora'! To that I say 'seldom used, always appreciated!' I love fancy words, and Cass comes out with some zingers.
We were talking about the 'glamorous world of show business', and how it's sometimes not what it's cracked up to be. Cass would know about that. She was a celebrity wife, married to the incredibly famous quarterback, Joe Montana when he won the superbowl. Can't get much bigger than that. She also spent 20 something years as an attractive flight attendant for United; dazzling mostly first class passengers on the U.S. - London route. So Cass has no lack of stories about the so called 'glamorous world of show business and International travel'.
She and I talk a lot about 'change'; how crucial it is to be able to adapt in life. Things change. Thankfully, she and I have been able to enjoy the high life while seeing it for what it usually is - a lot of hype. Celebrities, Politicians, Atheletes, no matter how powerful, are still just people, the same as you and I, except at the highest levels they can't even go out for a hamburger! There's a lot to be said about peace, privacy, and being able to go to the supermarket without everyone staring at you wondering why you don't look like you do on TV!
So here's to my friend Cass, who's weathered a lot of storms, slayed some personal demons, and has arisen the most beautiful, loving, talented, unselfish Phoenix I have the good fortune to know.