Lately I've found my nose a bit stuffy and my throat a bit scratchy when I wake up in the morning. All I have to do is walk through the garden to see that almost everything from my glorious cosmos to the prickly thistle are going to seed. So it makes sense that most of us will be suffering from some type of allergy in the next few weeks.
When I was living in Las Vegas I had a chronic bout with a low grade flu, with headache, sore throat, fatigue and achey body. I knew enough to know that flu is a virus and isn't 'chronic'; it should run its course in 5 days or so. When I went in to see the Doctor and gave him my symptoms, he said 'you have allergies.' I couldn't believe that allergies would give me the same symptoms as a flu bug, but less than an hour after taking the allergy medicine he prescribed, I felt better! I was shocked, but now when anyone tells me they've been sick for over a week with similar complaints, I suggest that they probably are suffering from dreaded allergies.
If you're having dry, scratchy throat or other symptoms, why not try my fantastic 'VIVA LA VOICE TONIC RECIPE'?? It tastes so good, soothes the throat and clears up phlegm. It's a great general cleansing tonic for the whole system. Best of all, I want everyone to try it, so you can find it on my website ('Products') for an introductory price of only $3.97!!! Can you afford not to try it?! Let me know how it works for you!
Enjoy your last days of summer in health!