Thursday, December 31, 2009

Fearlessly Flaunt Your Art!

II was shocked to read today that Australian producer Bill May died today, December 31, 2009.  I composed music and lyrics for 'Marilyn, An American Fable' which Bill produced on Broadway,and he was always a great supporter and effusive cheerleader! I still tell stories about him, as he was enthusiastic, over the top and hilarious. No matter what challenges confronted us during the show, he was always positive and upbeat. It's always great to work with someone who has fierce determination and a wry wit. Bill's energy, creativity and sparkling personality will be missed.
Once again, this brings me to the realization that time is fleeting and if there's something in life you want to do, DO IT!   We don't have time to wait for someone to give us permission to show our art; perform our music in public; or write that musical we've always had in our mind.  Somehow, we've got to make it happen without fearing what someone might think.  We should be proud of our art and fearlessly flaunt it for the world to like, or not!
It's difficult for artists to believe in themselves, but until you do, no one else will!  This year, I'm choosing to do my art because I love it; without fear; without waiting for someone else to give me permission.
Time is fleeting, and the world needs to hear what we have to say, no matter what the artistic medium.