I work with a lot of girls just entering, or going through the agony of puberty. I say 'agony' because it causes so much hormonal upheaval that usually leads to a huge drop in self-confidence. When young girls come to me they usually have a difficult time 'finding their voice'. Usually, they are shy, reserved and sing and speak in an airy, small voice that lacks power and confidence; exactly mirroring how they feel about themselves. Girls, it's time to find your voice!
"There are far-ranging consequences to low self-esteem," says Lisa Machoian, a psychologist and former director of gender studies at Harvard University. Girls lose their voice and sense of who they are, and may do extreme things - develop eating disorders, abuse alcohol and drugs, cut themselves, become promiscuous.
Clinical psychologist Robin F. Goodman writes that "Girls self -esteem peaks at 9 years old, then takes a nose dive." Here are some statistics: 75 percent of 8 and 9 year olds said they liked their looks. That percentage dropped to 56 percent among girls aged 12 and 13. By age 9, 50 percent of girls say they're on a diet. That jumps to 80 percent by the eighth grade.
I've found that singing and voice lessons can renew a girl's sense of self. When she begins to 'find her voice' and release it to the world, she gains incredible confidence. I have seen my students absolutely blossom after taking lessons and developing their voice. They get in shape, their grades go up, they get involved in activities and become more social. Overall, they open up to their own power and completely transform!
My advice is to get your teen or pre-teen involved in music or singing lessons, or any activity that will empower them and make them feel that they're good at something. It will change their lives, and help them get through the teen years easily and happily. Girls! Find your voice!