Monday, June 26, 2006

Sing. Dance. Be Happy!

In the Path of Your Happiness....
A Master's story from Illusions, by Richard Bach

....And the Master said unto the people, "If a man told God that he wanted most of all to help the suffering world, no matter the price to himself, and God answered and told him what he must do, should the man do as he is told?"

"Of course, Master!" cried the many. "It should be pleasure for him to suffer the tortures of hell itself, should God ask it!"

"No matter what those tortures, nor how difficult the task?"

"Honor to be hanged, glory to be nailed to a tree and burned, if so be that God has asked," said they.

"And what would you do" the Master said unto the multitude, "if God spoke directly to your face and said, 'I COMMAND THAT YOU BE HAPPY IN THE WORLD, AS LONG AS YOU LIVE!' What would you do then?"

And the multitude was silent, not a voice, not a sound was heard upon the hillsides, across the valleys where they stood.

And the Master said unto the silence, "In the path of our happiness shall we find the learning for which we have chosen this lifetime. So it is that I have learned this day, and choose to leave you now to walk your own path, as you please."

And he went his way through the crowds and left them, and he returned to the everyday world of men and machines....

WHAT A GREAT STORY. It exemplifies the truth that we are all responsible for our own happiness. No one else can make you happy; no one else can make you unhappy unless you choose to let them. When you are fulfilled and are feeling good about yourself; when there's harmony in your world, only then can you reflect that harmony back to others.

Is it time for you to SING, to DANCE, to COME ALIVE AGAIN? Don't waste another minute standing on the sidelines of life! Take control and do those things that make your soul sing. Do it for yourself, and your whole life will change. The joy you experience will be a joy you can SHARE with others. In being our authentic self; in singing and dancing through life, we enable and empower others to do the same. Just by living our lives fully we are a shining example to others. Implicitly, we give them permission to do their own singing!

Can you see that neon sign in the distance flashing "HAPPINESS!"? Is the path to that happiness strewn with rocks and boulders that stand in your way? Then it's time to clear away all those boulders and learn the lessons that are there for us in this lifetime! Every boulder has a valuable lesson for us. You may roll one boulder away, only to have it reappear again later. Is there a reoccurring boulder in your life? Something that stops you from living life to its fullest?

I believe that we're responsible for only one thing in life - to be happy! An astoundingly simple solution to everything that ails the world. It's not written anywhere that you have to play the victim. You have the power to choose how you react to everything that happens in your world. Is there some lemonade that needs to be made from all those lemons??

What if God; the Mighty I Am; the Universal Presence in all its glory spoke directly to your face and said 'I COMMAND THAT YOU BE HAPPY IN THE WORLD, AS LONG AS YOU LIVE!' What would you do then??

Sing. Dance. Be happy.