My Integrated Voice Method is based in Bel Canto, an old Italian method which is said to date all the way back to the middle ages. In line with the philosophy of Bel Canto, I believe that singing is a natural act; an extension of relaxed, released speech.
Usually, when a client comes to me, the moment they begin singing, they create a phony, forced tone. Why do we believe that we have to DO something different the moment we start singing? I like to demonstrate to my students the speaking of a line (in my 'actress' voice) then immediately singing the line in exactly the same place (voice placement) with exactly the same tone quality. I didn't do anything different! Singing shouldn't be a big, mysterious production; it's just a natural use of our voice. When you were two years old you didn't obsess about technique, how your voice sounded or whether you'd hit those 'high' notes; you just SANG because it was fun and felt good! I'm constantly urging my students to 'stop thinking, and start feeling!'
We spend so much time in our heads, analyzing every note, every 'mistake', whether we're doing everything perfectly. Practice imperfection! Stop thinking and just enjoy the experience of singing. You were born singing, just let it happen. Get out of the way of your voice and let it spill out in all its magnificence! The challenge most singers have is trying to control their voice. Over the years, this mechanism of control translates into constriction and holding, which keeps the voice from releasing fully and naturally.
Singing is a natural act! Don't try to intellectualize it. You've always known exactly what to do to sing beautifully. Strip away all the controlling and manipulating and let your voice be free! There's nothing difficult about singing, unless you've created challenges from years of limiting your own brilliance. Sing because you love it!