I just received a good article from the marketing guru-gals at Buzz Boosters about 'Implementation'. They talk about just that.....putting your idea or plan into motion. You don't have to wait until every detail is perfect because with our fear of failure in place, that may take forever! Throw it out there; tweak it, test it, if it works, voila! If it doesn't get the desired results then re-work it and IMPLEMENT the idea again. Remember, it's a PROCESS, not a fearful roadblock that will keep you benched on the sidelines!
I think it was T. Harv Eker who said: 'Ready, Fire, Aim!". In other words, formulate your brilliant idea; IMPLEMENT IT; test and perfect. Don't be afraid to put your idea out there for feedback. It's a learning process, not to be feared, but to be welcomed. If you never implement, you'll never move forward; you'll never succeed. Throw those spit wads onto the wall and see which ones stick! (Okay, that's gross, but you get the picture!) Go for it! READY, FIRE, AIM, IMPLEMENT!!!!
Read more about being 'proactive' in my latest Voicegram and find more useful music business articles.