I recently read about an inventor in England who has created a device called the Mosquito. If you read my blog or website you'll know that I'm an advocate for sound as a healing medium. Well, the Mosquito uses sound for quite a different reason, and gets an entirely different response!
Evidently the Mosquito emits a high pitched sound that keeps errant youths with too much time on their hands from loitering on city streets. This high pitch is horridly annoying to young people under age 25; doesn't seem to bother young kids, and evidently anyone over 25 has the diminished capacity to hear those high pitches!
Interesting how sound frequencies have such a profound effect on humans (and animals, to a greater degree). I have a musician friend who just got a new hearing aid (years of music have taken their toll) that is digital and can be programmed to boost only the frequencies he's missing. He said he stepped outside the other night and could hear crickets for the first time in years!
I believe in the power of sound to heal. I'm rather concerned about using sound to repel or control the population. Our government scientists have invented and are 'experimenting' with a device that emits a piercing sound that is to be used for 'crowd control'. Pretty scary. Sonar used by the Navy is routinely bursting the eardrums of whales. Sound has a power that can scramble our innards. I suppose anything has an inherent duality that can be used for benefit or for harm.
Next time you're feeling uneasy in a public place, you better make sure you're not being bombarded with repellant sound frequencies!