With hypnosis, the voice is used to put the participant into a deep, restful state.
Here's Mr. Perkin's brief history of hypnosis:
Back in ancient Egypt, hypnosis was called "healing sleep." The subject was really awake but with eyes closed and listening to a person's voice. Healing sleep was used to help people get over illnesses and mental anguish.
In the late 1700s, Fran Anton Mesmer, an Austrian, observed a Catholic Priest laying hands on a parishioner to overcome healing. Mesmer thought what was realy going on was that the person was surrounded by a magnetic field and that the Priest was sending out magnetism and that God was not really intervening in the process.
Mesmer thought that if he would use 2 large metal rods, he could create the same kind of magnetism that would help patients overcome their illnesses.
In 1792, Benjamin Franklin from the US, was called to Paris, France to observe Mesmer working on patients using the magnetized rods.
Franklin concluded that the people were using their own minds to cure themselves of illnesses. They were using their own imaginations.
This is what a hypnotist really does. He helps people use their own minds to fix what is wrong with them.
find more at: wayneperkins.blogspot.com