Make sure that you are prepared before you take the stage to sing! That may sound elementary, but many times singers don't do the work that's necessary to really connect with their audience. Specifically, I mentor my clients on the importance of breaking down the lyrics for every song you're going to sing so that you know EXACTLY what the song is about; what the feeling is you want to impart to your audience; and what commonality you'll share with your audience when singing your songs.
What is it in your songs that people in your audience can relate to? A lost love, a new love; triumph over a challenge? Break down each verse, each chorus, each line so that you know exactly what the meaning is underneath the lyric. Understanding the subtext of your lyrics is a big job and requires that a singer does their homework! Knowing what you're singing about may seem simple, but many singers omit this crucial step. It's not enough to be a good singer; you've got to be a great storyteller.
What is it in your songs that people in your audience can relate to? A lost love, a new love; triumph over a challenge? Break down each verse, each chorus, each line so that you know exactly what the meaning is underneath the lyric. Understanding the subtext of your lyrics is a big job and requires that a singer does their homework! Knowing what you're singing about may seem simple, but many singers omit this crucial step. It's not enough to be a good singer; you've got to be a great storyteller.