Are you suffering from a dry, summer throat? Do you run, bike or play tennis outdoors in the hot, dry air? If so, you may be suffering from a scratchy voice due to drying out your vocal chords. Allergies can also dry out the vocal chords and irritate the throat.
If you're having any 'dry throat' symptoms, why not try my 'Viva La Voice Tonic' recipe? It's fantastic for soothing and hydrating the voice, cleansing the system, and cutting plegm. And best of all, you can now get this fantastic recipe online! Go to my website, and click on 'Products'. I'll send you the recipe and an article about how I developed the Tonic due to years of professional singing in sometimes hostile conditions!
You'll love what this Tonic will do for your voice, whether you're a singer, speaker, salesperson or outdoor athlete. Enjoy!