I rented "What The Bleep???" again last night. I got a lot out of it. If you haven't seen it, you should. It opens your mind to how the world really works. Basically, all the 'quantum physicists' say WE CREATE OUR WORLD. They said that our belief about the world and things in it being static is false. That at any moment, we can change what's in our world just by taking control of our emotions and thoughts. What we end up doing though, is creating our world from past experiences and the emotions associated with those experiences. The idea of cellular memory impressed with i.e. 'victim' as opposed to 'victor' mentality was really interesting. Because the cells are programmed to respond a certain way, our brain then sets out to create situations that will 'feed' those cells and maintain the neural pathways that support the victim or victor role! So things come in to our life because we draw them in to reinforce the 'addiction' to being a victim or victor!!
So it's really true that at any moment we can change our thinking and create new neural pathways. The scientists said that to do this, it's more than just 'positive thought', you MUST CHANGE YOUR BELIEF SYSTEM and radically alter your belief to know that every moment is fluid, a river of possibilities, but we must CHOOSE what we want to experience. It takes effort and vigilance to do that.
How does quantum physics apply to singing? Your belief system plays a huge part in your ability to sing well! I tell my students that singing is 90% mental! So many people come to me holding on to their vocal limitations, or what they perceive as their vocal limitations. They'll say to me 'I can't sing high', or 'I'm not a solo singer' or 'I'm terrified to sing in front of an audience'. In making those statements they are reinforcing that belief. That limited view has become their reality! Even though they don't know it, their cellular memory is programmed with 'I can't' sing high' etc.; based on suggestions given to them long ago by someone else. When we're young, and haven't yet formed a strong self-image, the comments and suggestions of others (usually negative) become our reality. As we grow, those thoughts of limitation become an ingrained part of our brain chemistry and forge strong neural pathways because we play them over and over in our head!
My method, The Integrated Voice works on that mental and emotional level to bring to consciousness those faulty beliefs, and get rid of them once and for all. When my students learn correct vocal skills they begin to see that those limitations they held on to are based on faulty information, and with my support, they begin to forge new neural pathways that are based on correct information! Their confidence soars, and they're able to sing beyond their wildest imaginations! They've created a new belief system for themselves, that is positively reinforced every time they sing!
And what does this new confidence do for them? It opens up every other area of their lives. They begin to see other faulty beliefs that are holding them back from living their best life. I like to say that I help them open up a chink in their armor of limitation, and out flows confidence, creativity and positive expectation.
Belief is the key to manifesting positive events and action in your life. What are you believing about your voice, your singing, your life? If you take the quantum physics view, then what ever you're believing is manifesting right now in your life, good or bad. It's up to you to take control of your thoughts and emotions, and begin making changes in your own life. If this view of the world is correct then everything begins on the inside. It's not that things outside of yourself 'happen' to you; you create these things to feed and reinforce your world view! Whew! What ever it is, you can do it if you believe you can! If you want to sing without fear and limitation, find a good teacher who can help you not only be a good technician, but who is intuitive to the belief systems surrounding your voice, self-expression and singing. You are an integrated whole, and your voice is an expression of the positive and negative beliefs you have about yourself. Listen to what your voice is telling you!