On my recent trip to L.A. I spent the day with Jim O'Neil, Artistic Director of Rubicon Theater in Ventura. Jim and I grew up together in Santa Barbara, were at Cal Arts at the same time, and were 'roomies' in our early professional days in L.A. So we had lots of history to dredge up, and bunches of laughs recalling some of our 'finer' moments.
Jim and his wife, Karyl Lynn Burns have been instrumental in creating a fantastic venue in Ventura, California that features some of the best talent around. They've also been wonderfully successful in generating loyal support from both sponsors and the public. With the Endowments for the Arts and governmental support for the Arts dwindling, building an enthusiastic subscriber base is crucial, and not always easy to do. Rubicon uses seasoned professionals for their shows who love the convenience of being just an hour's drive from L.A.
Here's what the Times said about Rubicon:
"Rubicon Theatre Company moves the local stage to a level so many for so long had hoped for... the best theatre around."
Los Angeles Times
The day I visited, Rubicon was premiering a new show 'Back Home Again - a John Denver Holiday Concert', so I stayed for the opening and after-show party. What a great group of supporters! This photo is Jim and I at the party. Note his 'gentleman cowboy' shirt; everyone was in the John Denver rustic look, except myself, donning a Utah snow coat! Hardly needed in warm California.
I wish Jim, Karyl Lynn and their staff continued success. Read more about Rubicon at: http://www.rubicontheater.org