Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Spirit of Findhorn

"When your desire is to bring peace and harmony into the world, then you will have to start by finding peace and harmony within your own heart. It is a waste of time talking about peace. You have to seek and find that consciousness of peace which nothing and no one can disturb, and remain in it." - Eileen Caddy

Great quote, no? Eileen Caddy was one of the founders of Findhorn, a spiritual community in Scotland. I first read about Findhorn in the book 'The Gardens of Findhorn', and became entranced with the underlying philosophy. On an unforgiving sandspit of land, the Caddys, along with Dorothy McClean, created a magnificent, world-renown garden by cooperating with nature spirits, 'Devas', who helped them turn out lush flowers and vegetables in the worst of conditions.

Findhorn has grown and gone on to be known as a center for spiritual growth, and many global workshops and seminars are held there. While there may not be 50 -pound cabbages, still held there is the vision for world peace, working in cooperation with the natural elements, and a sense of the simple life.

We would all benefit from creating peace in our own lives. When you look around and see such strife and divisiveness, it's easy to want to 'change the world'. Sometimes it's overwhelming in its scope, and you wonder where to begin. As Eileen Caddy said, you must find peace within so that nothing and no one can disturb your calm center. It's from that point of strength that you will affect others. They will feel that positive energy flowing from you and will want to be a part of it. Your inner peace will be a comfort and example for others to follow. So don't think you have to change the world. Change yourself first, and others will surely follow in your footsteps. Start by 'finding peace and harmony within your own heart.'