Spring Is The Time To Sing!
©2006 Beth Lawrence
Robins are singing, the daffodils have emerged; Spring is a time for new beginnings! When people hear me in concert, or find out that I'm a voice coach, I'm always amazed at how many of them tell me "I've always wanted to sing." They usually say it in a rather wistful way, as though it's a dream that's totally out of reach for them. I always respond, "Then why don't you?", to which invariably, they say 'oh, no! I can't sing!'
Why do we so stubbornly defend our false beliefs and limitations? If you'd love to sing; if you harbor that secret desire to belt out a tune or be the next American Idol; or just want the courage to sing 'Happy Birthday' without embarrassment, I'm here to tell you that YOU CAN! And there's no better time than right now, to begin.
Everyone can sing! You were born singing! Along the way, though, someone told you that you couldn't, and that became your belief system. Spring is the time when all things come back to life. Even dusty, forgotten dreams can be born again. So do something wonderful for yourself - take a few voice lessons! You'll see it's not as scary as you thought, and it will give you worlds of self-confidence. I offer both group and private voice mentoring and I find that most people are so anxious about singing in front of me initially that we spend lots of time working on that inner critic that demands vocal perfection. My goal is to help my clients sing from their hearts, not their heads! Singing is all about raising your voice in joy; not worrying about how good you sound, but how good you FEEL when you're sharing your music.
If you yearn to sing, then DO IT! You will feel great and you'll feel proud of yourself for taking a risk and emerging a stronger, more confident songster! I love to help people find their voices, and now is a great time to take that step of self-discovery and self-love. Sing because you've always wanted to. What better reason is there? And if you're a bit shy, then take a few lessons (study with someone whose method is based in Bel Canto) so that you gain skills that will give you confidence in your voice.
Spring is the time to start something new; something that's going to feed your soul and bring a bounce to your step! Singing has incredible physical and emotional benefits, and it's a great way to meet new friends! My unclejust started singing at age 83, and it has changed his life! He sings every Thursday night in Los Olivos, California, and just loves it! And his audience loves it, too! How fantastic that he took the initiative to take singing lessons at the local community college, then had the guts to get up and put himself on the line. And you know what??? This is now his PASSION! He lives and breathes it. I am so proud of him, and wish everyone would have the courage to open up and sing! My uncle Dick is 83 and singing every week in public; what's your excuse?!
If there’s something you want to do in life, now is the moment. The Universe wants to roll out the red carpet and let your heart's desire come out to play! Open up and let your lifesong break free. Spring is the time to sing!!
Beth’s ‘Joyful Singing!’ class starts April 12th in Salt Lake City, UT. For more information: http://vivalavoice.com
©2006 Beth Lawrence is a Veteran Diva, singer/songwriter/producer and the Owner of Viva La Voice, a conscious music company dedicated to inspiring confidence in the everyday artist, re-entry singer, and creative bon-vivant who wants to live life fully and fearlessly.
She is the author of “The Seven Principles for Vocal Mastery' , which teaches a holistic approach to ‘giving voice to your inner Hero’, honoring the connection of body, mind and spirit. For over 25 years, she has been helping people all over the Globe rediscover the joy of singing, performing, and living their Big Dream. Beth loves developing the brilliance in others!
Beth has won awards from Billboard, Parents, and L.A. Jazz Scene Magazine; the American Song Festival; and was awarded an ‘Outstanding Women In Business’ Grant from Zions Bank. To learn more: http://www.VivaLaVoice.com