Have you ever done vocal improv? Just making sounds and rhythms with your voice? It is so fun! Last Friday 10 of us got together for a VOICE JAM here at Harvest Lane. We started out doing 'unison' rhythms, then as everyone got comfortable and more brave, we opened it up to just jamming with our voices.
I'd throw out a suggestion like 'Brazilian' then start with a vocal rhythm and the jam grew and evolved into a very cool mix of rhythms and African sounding chants. This went on for two hours as we emulated various instruments and musical styles.
When you're doing a vocal jam like this, it's crucial to LISTEN to each other. You'll hear a line, sound or rhythm, pick it up or add to it. It really is a communal endeavor and a great team builder. Throughout each improv we'd swell together, come down, and just flow with the song we were creating. It's very organic!
We did some straight 'toning' where we sounded long vowel sounds. I encouraged everyone to find their own tonalities, and it created some fantastic overtones and harmonies. I coined a phrase that fit perfectly with the interweaving tones: A SOUND SANDWICH! Bear in mind that this had nothing to do with Voice Jam....har har; a sound sandwich with voice jam. hmmmmm.
This kind of vocal improv helps the singer and musician get free of convention, allowing them to jump into their structured music with innovation and the ability to scat or do riffs without fear. After the Voice Jam, we all sang a bit, and everybody tried new approaches with their voice with bravery and confidence. It's a great way to loosen up and start stretching out as a singer, or a musician developing dynamic solos!