Friday, October 31, 2008

November Voicegram

Look for my NOVEMBER Voicegram in the next few days. If you'd like to receive my monthly newsletter, please opt in at the Viva La Voice Website!

This month some insight on being Captain of your own ship through these current rough waters!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Children's Article Featured!

I think a great thing for parents to do is sing lullabies to their children, no matter what you think your voice sounds like! To your kids, you sound like an Angel! My mom always sang to me as a child, and I never forgot it. My article "Lullabies Last A Lifetime" is featured this month in CITI HEALTH MAGAZINE - Raleigh Durham.

You can read it online at

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Positive Consciousness & the Economy

Last week one of my favorite authors, Alan Cohen, sent out a message with advice on how to relate to the economy and make the current situation work on your behalf. Here are 10 vital tips he shared that will help you navigate through this period...they really helped me as I find the right perspective in all of this...feel free to pass this along to your family, friends and clients!

1. The economy is an expression of the consciousness of those who create it ― all of us. We vitalize the economy with expansive thinking and action, and we deaden it with fear and contraction. You have power over the economy ― especially your own ― by consciously choosing the thoughts you think, the attitudes you hold, and the actions that proceed from them.
2. The economy is not a fixed entity, but is quite liquid, constantly changing in accord with the thoughts and emotions of those who create it. The economy you see today is a result of the attitudes and actions that sourced it yesterday. The economy you will see tomorrow is a result of the attitudes and actions you think and do today.
3. You have the ability to create a personal economy independent of the one experienced by the masses. There are always people who thrive in a floundering economy, and people who flounder in a thriving economy. The two greatest architectural achievements of the twentieth century ― the Golden Gate Bridge and the Empire State Building ― were funded and constructed at the height of the depression.. There is always money out there for people who know how to use it. A visionary thrives under all conditions.
4. Engaging in conversations of lack only adds to the pool of thought that creates lack conditions. Talking abundance creates abundance. Join others in only those conversations that affirm what you want to create.
5. You are wealthy by nature, rich in an infinite number of ways that have nothing to do with money. Money is one thin slice of the greater pie of prosperity. Remember how rich you are regardless of money, and you will attract money to match your wealth consciousness.
6. In the Chinese written language, the symbol for "crisis" is a combination of the symbols for "danger" plus "opportunity." What opportunity lies before you as an individual and us as a nation?
7. This is a fertile time to check and reset your priorities. If you have been distracted by the quest for money or trapped by your business, you can refocus on your family, loved ones, and activities that truly bring you joy. If you end up being truer to values that fulfill you, this "crisis" will have served you well.
8. Circulate your wealth. The only antidote to financial contraction is to move energy. When you spend money, you become part of the solution. If you don't have money to spend, be generous in other ways. Give of your time, skill, and love. Even giving compliments is a way to stimulate the economy.
9. Remember that the tide always comes back in. The entire manifest universe functions in cycles. Every wave has a trough and a crest. No wave has ever ended with the trough. There is always a next crest.
10. Don't wait for the economy to get back on its feet before you can be happy. Find happiness right where you stand, and you will be the richest person in the world.