Thursday, December 31, 2009

Fearlessly Flaunt Your Art!

II was shocked to read today that Australian producer Bill May died today, December 31, 2009.  I composed music and lyrics for 'Marilyn, An American Fable' which Bill produced on Broadway,and he was always a great supporter and effusive cheerleader! I still tell stories about him, as he was enthusiastic, over the top and hilarious. No matter what challenges confronted us during the show, he was always positive and upbeat. It's always great to work with someone who has fierce determination and a wry wit. Bill's energy, creativity and sparkling personality will be missed.
Once again, this brings me to the realization that time is fleeting and if there's something in life you want to do, DO IT!   We don't have time to wait for someone to give us permission to show our art; perform our music in public; or write that musical we've always had in our mind.  Somehow, we've got to make it happen without fearing what someone might think.  We should be proud of our art and fearlessly flaunt it for the world to like, or not!
It's difficult for artists to believe in themselves, but until you do, no one else will!  This year, I'm choosing to do my art because I love it; without fear; without waiting for someone else to give me permission.
Time is fleeting, and the world needs to hear what we have to say, no matter what the artistic medium.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Make your Passion Your Priority

The NY Times is finishing up their 2009 '1 in 8 Million' series - so fascinating and reminds me that everyone has a unique life story. This link is to Mr. Harris who followed his heart and chose a life 'on water'. Do what makes you happy!  If doing music makes you happy, find a way to live a life filled with music.  This goes for anything; find your passion and make it your priority.

NY Times series "1 in 8 Million'

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

You Don't Have To Be A Perfect Singer!

I've been teaching voice for 20+ years, and one thing I'm adamant about with my students is letting them know that it's okay NOT to be perfect!  What is most important is the authentic emotion you are feeling when telling your 'story', not a technically perfect performance.

Until your singing technique becomes natural and second nature, you are usually focusing totally on technique, and not on the emotions you should be feeling while singing.  We all strive for a perfect voice, but when we're focused on our breathing, our placement, tension in the body etc., it doesn't leave any space for what's really important....being totally tuned in to the story we're telling!

I would much rather hear a good story teller who is authentic in performance than a technically perfect singer who leaves me cold.  You can't obsess about technique once you are in front of an audience.  You've done your prep; put all of your energy into WHAT you're singing, not HOW you're singing it.

Yes, that's hard to do, but you'll find that your performance, as well as your technique will greatly improve when you let go of trying so hard to be perfect, and just 'be'.   Ultimately, folks want to be moved emotionally by your music, not dazzled by technique that has no real feeling underneath.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Choosing To Choose

"The only reason we ever get stuck is because we don't "choose".  Nothing happens until we choose. You know you have chosen when you absolutely know that nothing and no one will stop you; you will reach your destination.  If at some point you "let it go" then you haven't really chosen."  -Nanice Ellis

Now that we're nearing the end of 2009, let's choose to let go of what hasn't served us, and choose a new destination for 2010.  I believe it's true, EVERYTHING IN LIFE IS A CHOICE.  Choose the things that will move you forward, not keep you on the same path that may be headed in the wrong direction!  BL

Monday, December 21, 2009

Teenager Gift Idea!

f you're wondering what to give your teenager for Christmas, try music lessons! Voice, piano....any instrument. It will give them a big self-esteem boost!

Friday, December 18, 2009

A Celtic Blessing!

From Beth Lawrence

A Celtic Blessing

May the light of your soul guide you.
May the light of your soul bless the work that you do
with the secret love and warmth of your heart.
May you see in what you do the beauty of your own soul.
May the sacredness of your work bring healing, light
and renewal to those who work with you
and to those who see and receive your work.
May your work never weary you.
May it release within you wellsprings of
refreshment, inspiration and excitement.
May you be present in what you do.
May you never become lost in bland absences.
May the day never burden.
May dawn find you awake and alert,
approaching your new day with dreams, possibilities and promises.
May evening find you gracious and fulfilled.
May you go into the night blessed, sheltered and protected.
May your soul calm, console and renew you.
 Viva La Voice Wishes you Happy Holidays

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Beyond the Mechanics of Singing

Although there are a lot of physical mechanics involved in singing, most of this mechanical theory defies science.  To be a really great singer one has to move far beyond the science of how we sing; beyond the perfecting of the physical technique; and discover the reason why we sing.  We sing to express our emotions.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why and How Birds Sing!

I went to a neat lecture last night on 'How and Why Birds Sing'.  Actually, I was really interested in this topic because physiologically I didn't know how they produced sound.  I discovered that most songbirds have two sets of vocal folds, and can produce discreet sound from either their left or right vocal fold, or both simultaneously!

Songbirds also have the ability to produce sound up to 12000 hertz, beyond a human's hearing range.  They also trill at lightening fast speeds, and have mastered the art of what we would term 'circular breathing'.  They take in tiny, fast breaths in between trills.  Some songbirds breathing in this way can create a continuous call for up to 1 1/2 minutes!

Just as in the bird kingdom, where the males are always the showiest, it's also the males who are the professional singers!  These divos, it seems, sing to attract a mate, and the field sparrow will repeat his song up to 3000 times a day!  Now that's dedication.

Some tropical bird species will sing duets between mating pairs, and although not as vocal as their male counterparts, most female songbirds will occasionally sing.  The female will usually sing only when she has fledglings in the nest, supporting the theory that songbirds must be taught their songs!

Male songbirds also have what is called a 'whisper song' which the cassanova will use when in close contact with his mate!  Sort of like whispering sweet nothings in her ear!

Research has shown that we human females (especially when ovulating!) are more attracted to a lower male voice, and that a lower voice in males is believed to be advantageous in giving the impression of strength and power.  More reason to pay attention to the tone and quality of your voice!  I've always said that the sound of your voice conveys important subliminal messages, and studies back this theory up.

It hasn't been determined what a female bird finds attractive in a male's call since to our human ear all bird calls sound alike.  Evidently, there must be a sonic attraction factor, for it is the call of the male that determines who the female songbird will choose as her mate!

I was again reminded that we 'superior' humans have so much to learn from the animal kingdom.  Even though our voices are miraculous instruments, we are relegated to the lowest rungs of karaoke singers in comparison to our songbird professionals who sing higher, faster and more masterfully than we will ever hope to!  Maybe one day scientists will develop the 'birdbrain' capacity to decipher the secrets of the songbird's call.  Until then, we'll just have to enjoy it on a lovely Spring day.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Singing For Health at Osher Institute

Singing is a great way to energize your mind and body while enjoying the company of other folks who like to sing just for the fun of it!

For all my Utah friends....I'll be teaching 'Singing For Health!' at the University of Utah's Osher Institute beginning January 14th. It'll be a fun (and healthy!) group singing class. 

You can register now:

Monday, December 07, 2009

Nurture Your Creative Spirit!

Don't diminish the importance of your creative outlets!
It's so easy to let the everyday stuff of living get in the way of your creativity. Sometimes, when you're done with your day, it's the last thing you feel like doing. I think most of us would agree, though, if we just start working on a song, play an instrument, or put on music, then listen or dance, the time flies and the music works as wonderful therapy. We de-stress, forget the concerns of the day, immerse ourselves in right brain activity, and feel great. It's a fantastic way to end the day.

One of the challenges that comes up for most artists and writers is inspiration, and keeping motivated. Today, everyone’s schedule is so full that it’s difficult to find time for creativity, even when that’s your passion.

For Songwriters, I suggest setting aside an hour or two once a week to do music, even when you don’t feel like it. Put it on the calendar, and commit to that time. It's rewarding time for yourself, and you'll feel better when you make that an ongoing 'date' with yourself. Also, during your work day, take 15 minutes to work on lyrics, music, or a song you'd like to share. It will free your mind, and you'll return to work more open, more productive, and able to 'think outside the box'. Take a moment to be inspired by the beauty of nature around you, by the sounds of life happening right where you are.

It's easy to let our passions assume a place of lowest priority in our lives; but when this happens we suffer. We feel out of balance, unfulfilled and resentful. Take time, make time, to indulge in those activities that you love, that bring you joy and peace; that make you feel good about yourself. Instead of thinking about music or art as a 'hobby' that you do when you have time once in awhile, think of your art as being the driving force in your life! Only you can give it that place of importance in your schedule. It's not a hobby, it's your life blood; it's what makes you a creative, vibrant, artistic human being!
Don't diminish the importance of your artistic outlets.  Your creative spirit, your playful spirit is always there, tapping on your shoulder, reminding you to come out and play.
We all have responsibilities, but don't let those responsibilities rob you of the joy of expression through music and art that makes you who you are. We communicate through art, it is part of our collective psyche as human beings. Take time to express yourself! You will feel so much better, so free, so open when you integrate your creative spirit back into your life!

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Festive Christmas Downtown Salt Lake City

Downtown Salt Lake is just glorious!  Lots of display windows, lights and events; even an outdoor skating rink.

Here's a photo of the fantastic 2002 Olympic banners that still remain downtown with some festive lights.

Friday, December 04, 2009


So that more people can find my blog about singing, songwriting and the voice therapy, I'm submitting my blog to Technorati.  You can find me there along with a lot of great music blogs.  HYYRZ2R27M9J

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Ready, Fire, Aim, IMPLEMENT!

It's easy to fall into the trap of 'perfectionism'.  After all, one of our greatest fears is feeling that we have FAILED.  But perceived failure is nothing more than a necessary step to finding out what works, and what doesn't.  So think of 'failure' not as an entity, but a 'process' that will lead you to your fully realized goal!

I just received a good article from the marketing guru-gals at Buzz Boosters about 'Implementation'.  They talk about just that.....putting your idea or plan into motion.  You don't have to wait until every detail is perfect because with our fear of failure in place, that may take forever!  Throw it out there; tweak it, test it, if it works, voila!  If it doesn't get the desired results then re-work it and IMPLEMENT the idea again.  Remember, it's a PROCESS, not a fearful roadblock that will keep you benched on the sidelines!

I think it was T. Harv Eker who said:  'Ready, Fire, Aim!".  In other words, formulate your brilliant idea; IMPLEMENT IT; test and perfect.  Don't be afraid to put your idea out there for feedback.  It's a learning process, not to be feared, but to be welcomed.  If you never implement, you'll never move forward; you'll never succeed.  Throw those spit wads onto the wall and see which ones stick!  (Okay, that's gross, but you get the picture!)  Go for it!  READY, FIRE, AIM, IMPLEMENT!!!!

Read more about being 'proactive' in my latest Voicegram and find more useful music business articles.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Old Demo Cassettes - new global technology

Revisiting some old demo cassettes - yes, cassettes(!) that I'm dubbing after years of being packed away. Some really great memories; can't believe they haven't disintegrated!

I remember the days when doing an 8 track demo cost about $500!  Now I can do a demo with my Mac, a midi interface and a headphone amp.  It all fits in a roller bag!  And best of all, I can collaborate with musicians around the world by just emailing the digital music file back and cool.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Remember Dolby?

Converted some old cassettes to digital today! They sounded AWFUL, and I was disappointed that I'd waited so long to dub them, then realized that the 'Dolby' was's been so long since I used a cassette deck, I forgot about Dolby! Surprisingly, everything still sounds great!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Singing Is A Confidence Booster!

Dancing With The Stars!  It's fun to watch the improvement in the contestants over the course of the show, not to mention average weight loss of @20-40 lbs.! Just like singing, learning basic dancing skills is a real confidence booster!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Invest in Developing Your Professional Voice!

Invest in developing your professional voice
©2009 Beth Lawrence

In the corporate world, you spend a lot of time and money on professional training, business cards, marketing tools and equipment. But how much time is spent on developing your voice?  Generally, not much. And yet, you are your best business card!

Remember that your voice is a crucial component in your 'total' package. If you're spending more time developing your professional wardrobe than developing your professional voice, you should reconsider your priorities, and begin to think about the impact of your voice on potential clients.

My Viva La Voice Tip:  Invest in developing your professional voice

Friday, November 20, 2009

Prioritize Your Passion!

It's easy to let our passions assume a place of lowest priority in our lives; but when this happens we suffer. We feel out of balance, unfulfilled and resentful. Take time, make time, to indulge in those activities that you love, that bring you joy and peace; that make you feel good about yourself.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

What's Your Story?

"Today, start being conscious of the 'story' you have chosen for your own life. You will probably find that the novel of your life has been written by the suggestion (subliminal or overt) of ghost-writer parents, teachers, and society as a whole, and that you have simply put your name on the book." -Beth Lawrence

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I'm in the process of updating all my business systems, websites and blog. In fact, I've changed the look of my blog, in case you haven't noticed! Change is scary, and it's so much easier to just keep plugging along with the status quo. But look around, because everything in our life is in a constant state of change!

So I've decided to be proactive and take charge of my blog. It may not look the same, but the content is still there, just like it used to be.

Change happens. I'm embracing a new look. Why not? It feels good to revamp, rehab and begin again. Enjoy the fresh new blog!

My new Viva La Voice website will be coming soon, too!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Springhollow Chimes Sound Bath!

The New Consciousness Expo was fantastic! Springhollow Chimes offered 'sound baths', and it was incredible to see the changes when folks sat under the Chimes. Faces softened, breathing slowed, bodies relaxed. One participant said 'it was better than eating magic mushrooms!' The vibration of the Chimes is both grounding and energizing - the proof was in seeing the affect in person as well as hearing all the positive comments!

Friday, November 06, 2009

Sound Bath at Salt Lake Expo!

Springhollow Chimes will be taking part in the New Consciousness Expo in Salt Lake City, Nov. 14th - adding a wonderful ambiance to the Expo as well as offering healing sound baths with the huge, gong-like Chimes. Neat!

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Sound Medicine for Kidney Stones

A piece from an interesting article by Dr. Bakhru on sound healing and toxicity:

Sound therapy or the use of Mantras also are based on the power of vibration. I have personally used tuning forks on painful knots of muscles to see the knot and the pain dissolve before my eyes. Sound healing is currently used in Medicine to disintegrate kidney stones. Ultrasound is used in diagnosis and physical therapy. Pulsed electromagnetic fields are currently used in Orthopedics to heal non uniting fractures. Now, I am not negating traditional medicine, rather I am trying to say that we need to open our minds to all the healing modalities that are available to us.

If you have a blood pressure of 160/100 you had better go on anti hypertensive medication unless you would like to invite a stroke or a heart attack. However, high blood pressure is not from a deficiency of anti hypertensive medication. However, it could be from a magnesium deficiency. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables will also provide the potassium that is needed to keep the BP down. The mind and personality again have a role to play. Dr. Hal Huggins says High blood pressure could be from heavy metal toxicity from the amalgams in your mouth. A serious allegation but one that has merit in my mind. I have read his books and his research and it needs to be taken seriously. Many cardiologists are now performing chelation therapy with EDTA for heavy metals. Why would that help if heavy metals were not there in the first place? So, they are there. Studies now show that heart disease possibly originates from the bacteria in your gums and Dr. Huggins says these bacteria multiply because the mercury overwhelms the bodies defences. It is now undisputed research that heart disease originates from the mouth. It is only a matter of time before the whole truth comes out. Again, traditional healing methods have a lot to offer here. Traditional methods of healing and detoxification will help to keep healthcare costs down and offer a better quality of life as well.
Dr.Bakhru is Board Certified in Internal Medicine. Additionally, she was awarded a Fellowship from the American College of Physicians. She is listed in the millennium edition of Marquis Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare.

It's Raining Yellow Leaves!

Nothing more beautiful than looking into an azure sky framed by bright Fall branches, while yellow leaves rain down all around you....

Monday, November 02, 2009

Welcome Back Your Creative Presence!

We were born singing, moving to music and banging on pots and pans and still harbor that joyous, creative spirit inside ourselves, no matter what our age. No matter how busy your life is, that playful, childlike soul is just waiting for you to welcome it’s passionate presence back in to your life!

Read more in my latest Voicegram!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Busting Inertia!

This month’s Voicegram is all about to get started again once you’ve hit a wall, encountered a challenge or are beginning a new venture. Sign up for my monthly Voicegram and I'll send you “How To Start A Locomotive”!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Human Voices are Powerful!

Went to see the Mormon Tabernacle Choir rehearsal last head is still spinning from those ethereal voices! There's nothing more transcendent than the sound of human voices singing/sounding together! Powerful.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Feel Comfortable with Your Voice

“When you finally feel comfortable with your voice, you can stop obsessing about technique and just sing, as we were born to do.” - Beth Lawrence

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Start Kids Early!

Next time you hear a toddler using their voice, listen to the strength and clarity of the tone. To maintain this natural voice, start your child early with healthy vocal habits that will help to keep the voice free, open and relaxed - all attributes that will make singing a joyful experience at any age!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Poll: Can everyone sing???

I took posted a poll on Facebook, asking "Do you believe that Everyone can sing?" Here are the results:

100% believe that everyone can sing. 75% believe that NOT everyone can sing ON PITCH. And we all agree that not everyone is an artist.

Would you believe me when I tell you that I've found most pitch problems to be caused by improper breathing/support, and that all my clients improve in this area once they start supporting?!!! True!

Friday, October 09, 2009

Singing To Your Baby

One of the most cherished memories from my childhood is remembering my mom singing me to sleep. If you're a soon-to-be, new, or seasoned parent, don't overlook the importance of singing to your child, even before birth!

Even if you think you can't sing, your baby will not only recognize, but IDOLIZE your voice. There are no 'American Idol' judges when it comes to the sound of your voice. To your baby, it's sweet music. A lullaby will soothe and calm a sick or agitated baby; distract a willful child, and redirect a fussy behavior.

Try making up a simple melody that you sing to your baby, that will be his/her unique song. It will become a familiar part of your day, and nightly routine.

And parents! If you want a good nights sleep for your child, AND yourself, put on a lovely lullaby CD at bedside and your baby will have a tranquil and restful sleep.....and what could be better than that?

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Monkeys Respond Emotionally To Their Own Music

This is an incredible Washington Post article, again demonstrating that music affects man and beast alike. It also brings into question our definition of 'music' - animals have their own form of this ancient communication that seems to elicit an emotional response unique to their species.....

Saturday, October 03, 2009

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

According to the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, sound energy therapy operates on the premise that certain sound frequencies can heal the body by resonating with specific body organs.

The center's site says numerous studies suggest that music can affect blood pressure, help reduce pain and anxiety and affect mood.

We are meant to be a 'whole' organism. Not just a physical body, but an integrated being which operates with the cooperation of body, mind, AND spirit.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Change it! Drop it!

"Change it! Drop it!

Imagine speaking with your body, instead of your throat - this produces a deeper more resonant tone!" BL
Read this and more tips and inspirational quotes in my most recent Viva La Voicegram!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Singing Is 90% Mental!

In my opinion, singing is 90% mental! The real secret to having a great voice is to stop trying to control the voice (which causes tension and constriction) and just sing with your pure, innocent, natural voice. This unimpeded sound is effortless, powerful and filled with beautiful overtones.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

ChimeWalk with Deeksha Blessing!

To usher in the Fall Equinox Springhollow Chimes hosted a ChimeWalk with Deeksha Blessing in Salt Lake City. The garden setting was gorgeous - crickets singing, candles glowing, huge Chimes gonging, and Sylvia Nibley was our guest doing Deeksha Oneness Blessings for ChimeWalk participants during the evening. I love this photo of Natalie Mercado, one of the attendees - very cool.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Nyle Steiner Playing his EVI Invention

A bit too early for the 'holiday spirit' but here's a tiny video I took of genius Nyle Steiner in his mad scientist laboratory (as I call it!). He's playing the EVI that he invented, now marketed by Akai and played by musicians all over the world. Hear Nyle's latest CD.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Guy Babylon Tribute

Im so sad - I just heard that keyboardist/arranger Guy Babylon passed away at 52. Guy arranged two tunes on my very first CD 'When the Sky Is Red', and he was not only brilliant, but a kind and gentle soul who was a pleasure to work with. Right about the time i was finishing the CD he was hired to work with Elton John, and continued in that capacity til his death. Folks, be happy, do your art, live life full out! I'll remember Guy and his sweet spirit. I"m thankful that he'll live on in MY music; how lucky I am.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Voice for Life!

Be kind to your voice; treat those vocal cords with care and you'll have a healthy, strong voice for life! Scream, yell and sing incorrectly and you'll have a raggedy, raspy, weak voice. People judge you on your vocal tone, so make a good impression!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Smooth Jazz Format?

Streaming the Wave, Smooth Jazz. They just played one of my favorites - 'September' by EWF. Is this what smooth jazz is now??? Oh, and followed by that REALLY smooth jazz tune 'I'm Easy' - Lionel Richie. Wow, really?!!! What a strange format.....

Monday, September 14, 2009

Belly Breathing!

Did you know that if you habitually suck in your belly in order to look slim, you are actually interfering with your breathing mechanism? In order to breathe properly for singing and speaking, you have to soften the belly so that the diaphragm can descend naturally, allowing for a full breath that will support your tone! You can find more tips in my monthly Viva La Voicegram

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Actors Need Healthy Voices too!

Even film actors, who are heavily mic-ed, need to use their voices correctly. Isn't technology grand? Just did a phone consult/coaching session online with an actor shooting on the East Coast who was having problems with his voice.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Vocal Power!

Did you know you can get more volume from your voice if you RELEASE the voice, rather than trying to 'push', which causes tension and potential vocal damage? It's all about going back to the basics - just letting your natural, unencumbered voice out without constricting and controlling it! Sounds scary? Not at all. This concept will change your voice forever, and singing will become effortless!

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

How To Make A Point, with Your Voice!

If you ever want to make a point, DROP your voice instead of raising the pitch....your listener will get that 'whoa' look on their face! Never underestimate the power of your voice.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Veteran Songwriter Scores Barbra Streisand!


My dear friend, Phyllis Molinary just got a cut on Barbra Streisand's new CD, with her classic song "Here's To Life". It was written with Artie Butler, who wrote lovely music, but it's really Phyllis' enduring lyric that makes the song.

Phyllis is a veteran songwriter who used to teach songwriting in L.A., and really knows her craft. Through the years she's written some great songs, gotten some cuts, and missed some big ones (welcome to the music business!). How thrilled I am that after all these years, she's scored A BIG ONE. You can't get much bigger than Streisand.

So, don't give up! Keep living your passion even when it's difficult, frustrating and sometimes unrewarding. I believe that the reward is knowing that you hung in there, did your best, and were true to your artistic vision. Okay, so that's idealistic, but as artists, what else do we have but Idealism and Optimism? Aren't those the hallmark of a creative visionary? As Phyllis' lyric aptly puts it
'No complaints and no regrets, I still believe in chasing dreams and placing bets, but I have learned that all you give is what you get'.

If my friend, Ms. Molinary ever dreamed of icing on her lyricist cake, this is it. For all you artists out there waiting for your own double fudge frosting, I say ''Go for it! Live your dream! Here's to Life!'

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Response from Eve Kodiak, Lydian Center

I got a nice response from Eve Kodiak at the Lydian Center in Cambridge, MA regarding sound waves moving through CSF. Here it is:

Hello, Beth,
> You asked me to elaborate on the process of sound waves set up by
> tuning forks that move through the CSF. Basically, it's sympathetic
> vibration. As a musician, you know that you can sing a certain note and
> get the piano strings vibrating all by themselves, if the damper pedal
> is up. The very pure tones of the tuning forks set off sympathetic
> vibrations in the physical structure of the body itself, and the
> coherence and force of the wave pattern can kind of "smooth out"
> disorganized connective tissue.
> The effect is very relaxing. I personally use a set of tuning forks
> based on the Pythagorean tuning system. They are tuned to the circle of
> fifths, and I use them in pairs, one at each ear. I work completely
> through the hearing mechanism, I do not place tuning forks on the body.
> I purchased my forks through The School For Inner Sound, and took a
> training course with them. I use the forks primarily as an adjunct to
> my work as a Brain Gym Consultant and craniosacral therapist. I find
> that the forks enhance and integrate the other modalities very nicely.
> I hope that this answers your inquiry.
> be well!
> Eve Kodiak

Monday, August 24, 2009

Tuning Forks and Brain Function

I believe that sound and vibration are powerful forces for healing. I wish there were more studies done to support this field, but alas, I don't believe you can patent the use of a tuning fork, so no huge pharmaceuticals will be racing to do medical trials.

Recently, I read the following claim and wonder how this actually works. The practitioner using the tuning forks in perfect 5ths said:

"the frequencies can actually move cranial bones, by setting up wave forms that move through the cerebrospinal fluid and release blocks in connective tissue"

My question would be, 'do the waveforms affect the brain, which in turn sends nerve signals to release the connective tissue blocks?' Maybe I'll address this directly with the Practitioner, and report on it in my next blog.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Musings On Being A Gypsy!

Being a gypsy is a gift and not enough of us are willing to take that step of faith and live a life of expression rather than repression.
- Kathy Rocci

In my August 2009 Voicegram I wrote about the power of living in the NOW, the art of doing NOTHING, and being a confirmed GYPSY! My friend, Kathy Rocci wrote the above quote in reply to my Voicegram musings, and I just loved what she had to say. As Artists, Lightworkers and just plain folks who want to find fulfillment in life, it is very difficult to follow your own creative path if it is at all 'outside the societal norm'. Aspiring to a lifestyle with no apologies is truly a gift, because what you will find when you do that is a freedom of spirit; a confidence knowing you are living with no regret; and the fulfillment of listening to your own voice - not someone else's.

I'd like to invite you to subscribe to my monthly Voicegram if you'd like to learn more about a Gypsyfied life! Although I've already sent out my August 2009 edition, I'll be glad to send it on to you .

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Power of Springhollow Chimes

Have you heard the Springhollow Chimes yet? They are huge wind chimes, but unlike smaller chimes, they have a deep, resonant vibration, very much like a Tibetan Gong. Listen here.

Don Conreaux, Gong Master, describes the action of the gong perfectly: “The universal gong sound is based upon the musical principle that all tones of equal amplitude keep resonating, adding to themselves, to produce cumulative offspring, so to speak. This phenomenon is unique to gongs and replicates exactly what happens in the building of the human physical, mental emotional and spiritual bodies.” Don Conreaux"

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Sound of Sexy

Here's more proof that the sound of your voice does matter! In fact, a 2004 study showed that a deep, resonant voice (in both men and women) can actually help your love life! The study found that men and women with more attractive-sounding voices reported having more sexual partners, had their first sexual intercourse at a younger age, and were more promiscuous.

I'm not advocating any of the above, mind you, but all of us want to feel that we're attractive to others, so cultivating a pleasing, resonant voice may be just the ticket if you're looking for a relationship - casual or otherwise!

Vocalizing everyday really helps and is easy to do. It only takes a few minutes and easy vocal exercises can be done while driving to work, school or daily errands. If you're shy about vocalizing, the car is a perfect place to practice and sing. No one can hear you and it utilizes otherwise wasted time while sitting in traffic!

You can change the sound of your voice with a little bit of instruction and practice. Remember that your voice is a valuable tool in increasing not only your business, but also your chances for enhancing your love life!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Just Plain Folks Music Award Nomination!!

I've got exciting news - my song, 'My Heart's An Open Door' (co-written by Norman Thalheimer, and from the musical 'Marilyn An American Fable') was nominated for a Just Plain Folks music award in the Cabaret category! It's featured on the CD 'Flash' with the inventor of the EWI, musical genius Nyle Steiner. Awards are in Nashville this month!!

Singing and the Lymphatic System

Did you know that singing correctly, from your belly, (which involves the diaphragm) is an easy way to promote a healthy lymphatic system? More ways singing promotes health? See "10 Ways Singing Can Change Your Life"!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Senior Singers and Health!

A three year study done through Levine School of Music in Washington, D.C. by the Center on Aging, Health, and Humanities at George Washington University showed that seniors 55 and over benefitted greatly from participating in a choral group!

Lead researcher Dr. Gene D. Cohen documented that those seniors who participated had:

- 30 fewer doctor visits
- Fewer eyesight problems
- Less depression
- Less need for medication
- Fewer falls and other injuries

Never underestimate the power of singing at any age!!

To learn more about singing and health see more articles.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Voice and Intention

Studies show that 93% of our communication is NOT contained in the words we use, but in the tone of our voices and our body language. With a little practice you can learn to be aware of your tone of voice so that you are communicating with a clear emotional intention.

Friday, August 07, 2009

How Do You Value Your Artist Self?

How much is buying in to the 'struggling artist' mindset hurting your business???

This is a great idea from Christine Kane

"And here’s the lesson: Not only do you teach people how to treat you, but you teach the universe how to treat you as well. The challenge of the self-employed or of the artist is to decide. To decide that taking extremely good care of yourself without an expense account means that you become a better artist (or business owner, or whatever). To decide that you serve the world in a bigger way when your needs are met. To decide before anyone else grants you worldly success what it means to value your time and your work."

Voice - Use it or lose it!

Did you know that your voice is subject to the adage 'use it or lose it!'? Keep your voice in great shape by vocalizing every day and you'll have a healthy, strong voice at any age!

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Sound Attraction - Car Mufflers!

I came across a really interesting article by Jim Wilson in Popular Mechanics. The big muffler manufacturer, Flowmaster was using scientific research to determine how different muffler sounds affected certain demographic groups. It's sort of the same premise I talk about a lot - that the sound of your voice determines whether someone is attracted to you, or repelled by you in a subliminal sense. So be aware of your voice and how it affects others!

Here's part of the Popular Mechanics article:

"Relaxing Sounds. "Our working hypothesis is that if sound is discordant it would mobilize the right forebrain to make people want to withdraw," he explains, as he pulls wires and glue pads off my hand. "If people are hearing more sound they like, we expect to see more activity in the left forebrain." Work is still in its early stages, but Flugger believes that Flowmaster eventually will use Madill's research to help automakers home in on specific types of muffler systems to appeal to different demographic groups of drivers. There is evidence, for example, that younger drivers like a louder, lower sound with a slight metallic ring and a certain amount of disharmony. On the other hand, more low frequencies give an added sense of confidence, Madill says.

Flugger says that Madill's research will begin to find its way onto the streets in the next several years, initially as Flowmaster conversion kits for popular model cars. Flugger also hopes to begin working with Detroit. "If GM came in with an age group, we can design a muffler that the majority of that group will like," says Madill. "That is where this is headed."