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Don’t Worry - Sing Happy!
©2010 Beth Lawrence
If you’re like most people, you worry. Throughout the day you may be seized with ‘fear thoughts’ which cause you anxiety. I call these ‘what if’ thoughts....‘what if I lose my job?’; ‘what if my proposal isn’t accepted?’; ‘what if I’ve gained three pounds this weekend?’ and on and on. We’re all plagued with worry, most of it so habitual that it has become our way of being.
You can think of worry as ‘a negative prayer’ - in other words, instead of visualizing and expecting good things to happen, we dwell on the negative, putting energy into something that hasn’t even happened yet! This does nothing but cause stress, further draining our vitality. Most importantly, when you put your focus on something, it tends to manifest in your life!
So let’s apply this state of worry to singing. Most of my adult clients have two main issues: they worry that they ‘can’t sing high’, and they fear that their voice will crack when they do. This sets up a cycle of anxiety that taken to an extreme, literally keeps people from singing at all! They just give it up because their fear completely overrides the joy they used to have as a free, unself-conscious child.
When you are focusing on, and fearing a particular note or ‘high’ section in a song, you are not focusing on the story you’re telling. Have you ever seen a singer whose eyes go blank as they enter a tricky section of a song? They get that ‘deer in the headlights’ look as their anxiety forces them to think of ‘technique’ instead of ‘emotion’. When you’re fully connected to the emotion of your song, there’s no space in your head for worry because you can only think one thought at a time!
So how do you stop worrying and start singing? There are four steps that will take you from fear to fabulous:
Become Aware.
Pay attention to your anxiety and learn to identify it when it comes up. Monitor your focus - where are you putting your attention? On the phantom fear of something that may happen in the future, or on the real emotion you’re feeling dictated by the lyric? Start being in the moment and putting your attention where it needs to be...on the story you’re telling.
Don’t focus on individual notes that may scare you. You are singing in phrases that are telling a story so there should be no fear of ‘notes’ within a phrase. Think in complete sentences!
Take Action!
If you’re having vocal challenges, take charge of your mind and your voice! Invest in voice lessons so that you can get over those mental and physical blocks that are holding you back from joyful singing. Wouldn’t it feel wonderful to learn the skills that would help you end your cycle of anxiety once and for all? What would that be worth to you?
Start vocalizing every day so that you strengthen your voice and reinforce the new vocal skills you’ve just learned. Not only will you speed your vocal growth, but daily vocalizing will energize your mind and body as well!
When a worry thought comes up, take control of your own mind and turn your fear into an opportunity to visualize a positive outcome. Rather than seeing yourself go for a high note and crack, see, feel and hear yourself hitting a clear, powerful, gorgeous note that just flows to the end of the phrase with tremendous emotion. See your audience moved by your heart-felt singing. Imagine your song-story unfolding with you totally focused on the emotion of the story, not your technique.
4. Surrender It!
Once you become aware of your habitual worry habits; and having taken action steps to remedy whatever is causing you to worry, then it’s time for the fourth step which is simply to let go of the perceived problem, and turn it over to a higher power, whatever that may mean to you. That may be ‘God’; the Universal ‘Is’; a Guardian Angel; Nature; ‘Source’ just something outside of yourself that you can conceptualize as a greater power than yourself. You are being willing enough to surrender your problem so that you don’t bear the entire burden yourself. You are allowing the power of the universe to help you. In doing this you will have a sense of empowerment and well-being!
If you don’t believe in a power outside of yourself, then simply surrender your perceived problem. Give it up, let it go. You’ve taken action, now there’s nothing more for you to do, is there? Now you’re free.
Think of singing as surrendering to the emotion of the story you’re telling. You must BE the character who is singing the song. When you are totally immersed in your story you transcend space and are connected to Source! This is the magical alchemy of song.....a truly inspired performance comes through you from somewhere else, your voice is just a channel for this beautiful energy to flow through, out to the listener’s heart.
Happy Singing!
So now that you have the four steps for ending the cycle of worry, what action are you going to take? If you want to sing, if you want to play guitar, if you want to learn to fly a plane, what steps do you need to take to make that happen? Before you answer that question, have you already created worry thoughts that tell you why you can’t do what you want in life? Go through your four steps and create what you want in your life, not what you don’t want. I really believe it is all up to you....your thoughts create your life. Rather than continuing to live in fear, wouldn’t you rather take charge and be free of your anxieties? Then all I have to say in conclusion is:
‘Don’t worry....sing happy!”
© 2010 Beth Lawrence. Please feel free to pass on this message to others, leaving our copyright, logo and web address intact. Thank you.
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“New Thought Mondays...the positive path illuminated” Mondays, beginning August 9th, 2010: :
“Voicework for Parkinson’s” - September 16, 2010, Central Utah Parkinson's Support Group, Specialty Hospital, 306 W Riverbend Lane, Provo
“The Successful Voice for Speakers” - September 21, 2010, Salt Lake City
“Sing To Your Baby” - September 28th, 2010 Salt Lake City
“Conscious Speaking for Parkinson’s”, September 30, 2010, Salt Lake City
Beth Lawrence has developed"The Lawrence System for Vocal Excellence”, a singing system that takes a holistic approach to voice coaching and therapy honoring the connection of body, mind and spirit. Beth is the CEO of Viva La Voice!, a company offering private and online coaching for singers, songwriters, and presenters in all walks of life. To learn more: 800-567-1718
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