Thursday, October 11, 2012

Tips for Powerful Performance, Part 3

Performance Tips
1.  Focus before singing! Don’t sing before you are ready! Look forward to singing what you have to say.
2.  Really sing and communicate from your heart. What message do you want the audience to get from your singing?

3.  Commit yourself 100% to your performance. Keep the 10, 20 or whatever percent for technique that you need in the back of your mind, and devote the rest to communicating the text and music.
4.  Don’t forget your visual presentation. You express not only through your voice, but also through your facial and bodily expressions and your eyes.

5.  Keep up the intensity! This means through every rest and through the end of the very last note of the song. Don’t forget to stay in character no matter what!

Adapted from

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Tips for Powerful Performance, Part 2

Prepare before singing
Pre-performance Tips (just before you sing):

1.  Know what your strengths are and where they lie in the song. Use positive affirmations and images well ahead of time.

2.  Remind yourself of your two most important technical issues. This can change from week to week, or from song to song. Examples may be: make sure to stay open, breathe deeply, focus, low larynx, etc.

3.  Think about your character and what you will be expressing in the song. Be ready mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Excerpted from