Saturday, December 29, 2012

Positive Affirmations for Pitch Problems!

No more howling!  Yes!  You can sing in tune!

I bet you think that positive affirmations will do nothing to help you stay on pitch.  But what if I told you that your belief system has a great deal to do with your success at singing!

If you have trouble staying on pitch, there may be several reasons for this, which are usually easy to fix!  Here are a couple of great suggestions in another Viva La Voice Tip.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Fix Pitch Problems!

Here are a couple of simple tips to help you sing on pitch and change the way you feel about your voice!Video Tip - Fix Pitch Problems!

Friday, December 14, 2012

New Online Interactive Singing Classes!

Technology is so cool these days!  No matter where you live -- you can do classes online, in real time, with real people!  My new 7 Easy Steps for Singing Like A Pro! classes start soon!  Check it out!Beth Lawrence's Online Singing Classes!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Job Well Done - Voicegram!

Do you think you didn't do enough in 2012?  Instead of being so hard on yourself, why not give yourself a pat on the back and look at all the greatness you exhibited??

My December Voicegram is all about the 'year end assessment' and how to change your perception of what your year was like!

Read 'A Job Well Done!' for a little end of the year inspiration!